The Grove School Aims and Visions
Wonder Explore Grow
The Governing Body of The Grove Primary School and The Grove Nursery School has produced a three-year strategic plan that sets out our priorities and describes the important milestones we need to achieve along the way. This includes our vision, strategic priorities and the values that underpin all we do. We’ll be regularly tracking progress to ensure continuous improvement. Our strategic plan has been compiled with ideas from our children, parents and staff; it recognises the many existing strengths of the school and builds upon these. We are committed to meeting the needs of our pupils, helping them realise their potential and move with confidence into the next stage of their lives.
Our Vision
All our pupils belong to a happy, caring and inclusive community and become curious, confident and creative life-long learners.
Quality of Education
From Early Years to Year 6, our curriculum enthuses and inspires learners to be curious, to challenge themselves as well as making links between different subjects and skills. Everyone makes good progress from their own starting points through a highly adapted, inclusive curriculum. Our Alternative Provision ensures pupils receive a bespoke curriculum that meets their individual needs.
Behaviour and Well being
Bespoke pastoral support (internal and external) provides high quality support for pupils who are then able to feel safe. They are able to make good progress as they are emotionally in the right space. Pupils behave well and have positive strategies to cope when they are feeling anxious. Learning is not disrupted by behaviour. Staff well being is good with systems and processes in place to support their work life balance whilst ensuring learning and leadership are effective.
Personal Development
Pupils have access to an enriched curriculum which promotes the culture capital which closes the gap for some of our pupils. It helps them build links in their learning leading to high rates of progress. Skills from sports, music and the arts are used to support pupils’ self esteem and belief in themselves – all academic success is celebrated. Pupils are skilled leaders and team players having a positive impact on their peers and the school.
Our partnerships reflect the needs of our pupils and their families. Support is commissioned quickly to meet the emerging needs of our pupils, and their families, to prevent them from failing. Attendance, attainment and progress are all at least National Averages as pupils are able to attend school regularly and are able to concentrate. The school has strong partnerships with other agencies who provide advice and support allowing staff to meet the ever-developing needs of the pupils so they are able to be successful in school. The premises are safe, well maintained providing a learning environment that entices learners who are proud of take care of it.
Leadership capacity is strong from subject leadership to Governance. The school successfully “grows its own leaders” who drive forward strategic improvement across all aspects of the school. All leaders are highly skilled at identifying the school’s strengths and next steps; they are skilled as change management which ensures improvements are consistently embedded across all key stages. Financially the school is sustainable.
Our values – we want our community to be:
Ready Respectful Safe
We have identified key objectives against each of these strategic priorities. A separate document, the School Improvement Plan (SIP) produced by the Headteacher and staff, transfer these strategic priorities and key objectives into an annual plan with more detailed actions, measures and targets.
ehaviour and Well being