Our Vision

Learning inside and outside the classroom

At The Grove we know that children learn better when they are enthusiastic and engaged and therefore we are constantly looking to provide stimulating and motivating learning opportunities both inside and outside the classroom.  Our curriculum is richly enhanced by developing partnerships with outside providers such as The Fitzwilliam Museum, Kettle's Yard, the Science Park and the University.  Visitors are also used to help children extend their knowledge and understanding.

Please also note the following:

  • Parents have a right to withdraw their child from Religious Education. Parents are requested to write to the Headteacher to request that a child does not take part in Religious Education lessons. Children would still take part in daily assembly but not the part that is concerned with a corporate Act of Worship. Parents are also entitled to withdraw their child from Sex Education but not the part of this that is covered by the Science Curriculum. Parents should again put this request in writing to the Headteacher.
  • The swimming programmes of study are covered in this school across all year groups from Foundation Stage to Year 6 as we are fortunate to have our own indoor pool. Children usually receive approximately six weeks of swimming per year.


Please contact Mel Ramsey in the school office on 01223 577017 if you require any further information.