Message from the Head

On behalf of the governors, staff, and pupils it gives me great pleasure, as Headteacher, to welcome you to The Grove Primary School. 

As I walk through the School I see pupils who are confident and eager to learn. It is our aim at The Grove to encourage and foster excellence and enjoyment so that all pupils can fulfil their individual potential - academically, socially and personally.

We are all extremely proud of our school and committed to providing the very best possible education for all of our children. We know that The Grove Primary is a school where children feel safe within a happy stimulating and attractive environment in which each child is encouraged to enjoy learning and develop a lively and enquiring mind. We also want children to develop the ability to question and discuss rationally, and apply themselves to tasks and skills as they strive to reach their full true potential in all aspects of school life. 

When any visitor walks round school they comment on happy children engaged in their learning in a calm, fun environment. We take great pride in the fact that we have a happy and inclusive school in which the children’s voice is clearly heard in an atmosphere that encourages respect for all and respect for the environment. 

Every decision within the school is made by firstly considering what is in the best interest of the children. In this way, children lie at the heart of everything we do. We look forward to working with you and your child so that The Grove can develop even further. Parents are welcomed as partners in their child’s education as we believe that our children learn best when members of staff and parents work in partnership and so we value your involvement with your child's education. 

I feel privileged to lead a team of professional, talented and committed staff who provide well planned and organised lessons and activities.  An ever increasing range of curriculum enrichment activities are being provided to enhance children's learning.  We have a supportive and hard working group of governors who are highly skilled in different areas.  Governors and staff work together to provide our children with the very best learning opportunities.  We encourage our pupils to be responsible for their learning, to grow in confidence and become independent. 

Kind regards

Mrs Ellie Rowe